Sunday, August 17, 2008

Are We There Yet?

We are seriously anxious to get home. Angie is bored and craving a Fuddrucker's cheeseburger and a "real" Diet Coke with ice. Or maybe it's a Five Guys cheeseburger. Or maybe a Cheeseburger In Paradise cheeseburger. Gee, now I'm salivating. Me, I'm just plain bored. Today was so boring - how boring was it? It was so boring that I built Legos with Aidan in the kiddie playroom. It was so boring that Angie had TWO naps. It was so boring that I watched Chinese ping pong (singles AND doubles), Chinese tennis, Chinese synchronized swimming, and Chinese equestrian events on the tube while Aidan napped. China certainly has Olympic TV coverage that the US never had. And I read the China Daily newspaper from cover to cover - actually a very nice paper with great international stories. Oh and there was Japanese baseball on the tube as well.

It was so boring that not once today did I take my camera out of the camera bag. Sorry, no new pictures.

So here are some ramblings to just set the record straight for what's happening:

1. Aidan pointed to the potty and then to his butt and then he pooped on the potty today. (just thought I'd start off with another poop story for you daily fix).
2. Aidan was an angel today. Angie, not so much.
3. Angie is under the weather and that is dragging her spirits down.
4. John from yesterday's story is back and was at breakfast with his new son and he was looking pretty good considering his ordeal. All seems well.
5. We think we finished the last of our paperwork today during a one hour group meeting.
6. Tomorrow we have one more meeting and then a dinner cruise on the Pearl River to see the neon lights that line each bank. Papa Johns pizza is on the menu.
7. We are dreading the 27 hour trip with an active toddler who wouldn't sit still for a two hour flight. And we forgot the Benadryl...
8. Tsingtao beer is good.
9. After this I'm going to the bar for a nightcap and to watch Chinese synchronized diving.


1 comment:

Kathy O said...

If you're lucky, you might get home with a potty-trained toddler! Travel safe and thanks for sharing. Keep up the blogs.