More paperwork today but that should be it for awhile. The group had to go back to the adoption office to sign papers making it official that we are approved as parents for Aidan.
Then we had to go to the Public Security Bureau to get Aidan's passport photo and all of our official adoption documents rubber stamped. That took up the entire morning and then it was lunch and a nap.
During his afternoon nap, Angie went shopping with the group to the local WalMart. We need a few things like diapers and toys and snacks. I had the enviable task of staying behind to not ruin a good nap (for both Aidan and I :-) We then had a group dinner at a local Chinese restaurant.
We are bonding extremely well and Aidan is taking to both of us. He is routinely calling me Baba (daddy) and all is well i n that area. A few pictures below to round out today's report will tell the rest of the story:
(yep - he lost a battle with mosquitoes as have most of the kids in our group)
Tomorrow is a sleep-in day. We will get out and walk to the local lake/park in the morning and go jade shopping in the afternoon with a Pizza Hut dinner - yeah! More later...
1 comment:
Gram and Pop check the blog numerous times each day just to stay on top of your activities. Aidan is a winner and Mom and Dad look ecstatic. Keep us posted as often as you have time to do so. Love, Mom and Dad
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